Sunday, 15 July 2012

Borussia Dortmund 2012 / 13 home kit

You may have noticed the last couple of teams I've painted up have been on modern looking figures and bases; I managed to get a bulk load of bases on the cheap (as I always seem to!).  The only problem I have is the job lot of bases were very limited in colours, so finding strips that will go with the bases that I want to paint is proving a bit of a tricky task!  Thankfully we're in that time of year where all the new kits are being released, so there's plenty of new ones to choose from.

The latest team I've decivded to paint is the new home kit for Borussia Dortmund.  I had considered painting last seasons bundesliga championship kit, but all the dots on the shirt looked just a bit too tricky to do on a subbuteo player, so I've decided on this seasons kit instead.

here's how it turned out

I've only just realised the 3 recent teams I've painted up are all in this year's Champions League!