Sunday, 21 June 2015

It's a trap! It's an offside trap!

So a couple of years back I painted up  Star Wars Stormtrooper team.  They've played in FISTF and WASPA tournaments, but for my solo leagues at home have had no real opposition and have defended the Empire for the past 2 years.

The Rebel Alliance have now got together and Admiral Ackbar has managed to get Red Squadron up and running in a bid to thwart the Empires dominance.

Let battle commence!

Over the next couple of posts the Rebel Alliance will hopefully grow.  Keep an eye out for more teams in the near future!


  1. hi...i want to ask if i can have the two star wars teams with the pilots and stormtroopers...whats their cost , if you can make it for sniper bases(i mean the foot to be on a round base) and if you can ship them to greece...thanks a lot fot your time.
